quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2008

Porque neste barco somos dois!

Por favor deixa-me pensar correctamente ='(

Sabes que me pesa...
"And when i'm gone,
who will break your fall?
who will you blame?
I can't go on,
And let you lose it all,
It's more than i can take,
Who'll ease your pain?

2 comentários:

c.b. disse...

"Destiny sure has its secrets,
And its way to work,
Faster or slower,
Longer or shorter,
Certain things are just meant to be,
Nothing can’t stop them,

When you need to run and you try to stay and love,
When you need to love and you try,
But love runs away from you…"

Unpredictable, by Davide Pinto

Helena disse...

Nem sempre as nossas palavras ajudam, por isso tudo o que te deixo é o meu silêncio, e a certeza de que te entendo...